A pottery workshop was held on 26 March, Friday, as Stellar Preschool and Sand and Stars kindergarten’s Educational Field Trip. Our children were usually taken out of school so they could get to learn outside the classroom. Due to pandemic concerns, it was done as an in-house event this round. Mr Moo Chee Chern and his team from A Leaf Pottery, were willing to travel to Stellar Preschool to conduct the workshop.


Mr Moo and his team were amazing. They allowed the children space to play and create with their clay, only approaching a child to offer suggestions or helping hands, when necessary, that could aid them to produce a more refined and defined art piece. Mr Moo had even brought his potter’s wheel for us to try shaping ceramics through the wheel-throwing process, which was enjoyed by children and teachers alike. It felt so comforting when the machine started to spin and you placed your hands on it… the satisfaction was indescribable!

by Emily Chin | Principal