G Suite for Education

We are excited to introduce a service called G Suite for Education (formerly known as Google Apps for Education) as part of our curriculum. This new service is powered by Google and we will be joining over 8 million other pupils and teachers that are already using Google Apps at schools around the world. The service will give our children and staff access to a set of tools which will support the high levels of collaboration that are required in today’s classroom to prepare students with communication and collaboration skills for life. Apps for Education will also enhance the delivery of not only our Computing curriculum, but lessons cross curricular.

Benefits of Google Apps:

1. Ease of access: Pupils can access Google Apps at anytime, anywhere. It is designed to work in any browser (Google Chrome, IE, Firefox etc.) and on any computer or tablet. This enables access to your email, calendars and documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher alternatives) from school or at home.

2. Online storage means that no flash drives (memory sticks etc.) are required with documents and files stored in Google Docs.

3. Collaboration between students from other classes, schools*, even different countries*, working together on group projects. (*carefully selected and teacher lead). During collaborative work teachers can monitor progress of each child and provide instant written feedback visible to the group or to the individual. This enhances teaching and learning and provides instant and accurate assessment.

4. Online portfolios of work can be developed by students.

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